This is done so they can forever beat the shit out of their own women
And they have since trained generations and several races of people to abuse women, bringing more cowardly sons and scared daughters
The behavior continues because they rewrote literature called The Bible and say “God said”
“God said” justifies murder and abuse all over the globe. Millions on millions have died because “God said”
God did not make all men cowards
If “man has dominion over all things” and chose this cowardly path, we are stuck with this madness and continued chaos
The “man” they speak of though, is supposed to be the white man because “they” have set themselves up as the evolutionary last piece of the puzzle so they own all races and species in their cowardly, twisted minds
They use the intimidation of murder to justify their actions. They kill any and all who oppose their twisted views to attempt to maintain power over the weak of spirit and weak of mind
And this tactic works because they consistently kill and we are all afraid to die
We are stuck in the cowardly matrix “because God said”
It stands to reason that most of these priests and “holy” men are the most notorious sexual predators on the planet, raping young boys and the daughters and wives of their congregations all over the globe
The true “Original Sin” is cowardice
Or is it cowardly white men?
A debate for another time as there will be hurt feelings defending themselves while we continue to abuse and murder women
I don’t like the way “they” expect us to feel about women’s roles in men’s lives and the decision making process
They have made us feel that femininity as well as maternal instincts are weaknesses men / boys do not need, when in order to make a RATIONAL decision, both masculine and feminine must work in unison, in perfect balance so that fairness is achieved
The coward has changed the matrix to suit his narrative
Only the masculine thought seems to be the only path
For about 3,000 years they have been fucking up the planet with this divisive narrative
The weakness within all of us allows for the cowardice to continue
We need some intelligent, influential lions and lionesses working towards “balance” so that future generations have opportunity to live in a better space
While these “God said” cowards run this planet we will create even more cowards justifying heinous behavior
We need balance
We need to elevate our feminine spiritual energy in order for the masculine to work properly
For one gender to “dominate” {going with the whole dominion thing} leads to the obvious imbalance that we see on the planet today
First does not mean “boss”
We do not need to be bigger, stronger or better
The one “B” that we need to seek is balance
It is clear that we aren’t exactly surviving well under this current ~ hate, racism, sexism, genocide, corruption, slavery, rape, murder, economic implosion
We need a bigger dose of feminine spiritual energy
The maternal instinct. That instinct of love and protection of our children and the planet that they live on together
We need our women to survive this hell that these cowards continue to put us all through
We all need to fight to bring the feminine closer to the centre of our psyches
Saying it is I first step
Putting it out to the universe