One does not have to believe in Haile Selassie 1st or Jesus or Muhammad or Krishna or Budda or whatever belief systems that the babylonian says that we hide behind because religion is a tool used by the weak because we need something to hang on to. I don't argue with them anymore basically because one with faith doesn't truly need to explain it or themselves.
It just is!
Yet the babylonian invests in corruption so any levels of spirituality cannot be tolerated as it slows down the process of rape, pillaging and murder. With no conscience or morality, murdering niggers become relatively easy and consistent for over 500 years!
Yes I didn't say "the N word", I straight out said nigger!
We have the cerebral Caucasian donkey telling other dumb ass niggers that the use of the word within the black communities perpetuates continued wretchedness of the black race. And many within the race who consider themselves as "educated" pick up the mantra and try to sell this idiotic argument to other black folks. "They" are always able to find the mentally weak or the corrupt within our culture, within our country or island to carry their message, guns to do their killing for them while they sit back and sift our resources! No one can walk into your home without an invitation! We have pliable, house niggers in all societies willing to do what is necessary to fatten their personal bank accounts. Politicians are their easiest targets as they are easily the most corrupt!
I had a friend ask me recently to stop using the word. She said whenever the word popped up, it shut her brain down and she didn't hear any other part of whatever point or conversation that we were having. She really hated the word and found that no one could give her a real reason for its constant use. No reason that made any sense to her anyway! She asked me to explain so that she could ovastand.
I did...
I told her that the word nigger made white people uncomfortable. The reason for the discomfort is the fact that most of them still enjoy saying the word and because they know that it is derogatory and wrong, they get embarrassed (pretend embarrassment) yet it does not work with me because I see through them. I see and smell them whether they get it or not! I see centuries of degradation and recognize the use of an effective system, pretending 'equality' yet continuing to rape black countries and threat the blacks within their societies as second and third class citizens! Muhammad ovastood! He refused to defend his slave master! He refused to kill the Viet Cong! "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger!” He saw through their hypocrisy then. He knew the donkey had millions of other dumbass niggers to send to their deaths then come back to discriminatory good old USA where a nigger must eat only in certain restaurants, or drink from certain fountains, and go to your own nigger schools, yet “die for me nigger”! White America still hates that man to this very day!
Yes, I can hear them already, “This is an insult and disgrace to the brave American soldiers who gave their lives for their country…blah blah blah…” Don’t make it about that! Why were you in another man’s land, telling him what to do? Again? Who are you? When and where do you stop?
I see the way that they treat their own women as second and third class citizens. I see what they have done to native populations in Canada and the USA. Offering rock candy, blankets and liquor then rape, murder, genocide, degradation and the behavior is still here right now as we speak.
I see how they treat their elderly.
I see especially here in racist Canada where blacks do not hold prominent management positions in major corporations or within government. This is 2014! I know a few niggers went to schools and universities over the years? Some have BA's, MBA's, Phds and even Doctorates yet make no decisions pertaining to the well being of Canadians.
"Only the ignorant black people call themselves or other Africans nigger!"
Newsflash for all of you intelligent types, simply put, to the white man, Caucasian donkey, European racist, the most affluent, educated black man is still but a nigger! When it leaves the vocabulary of the oppressor I'm sure that we will all leave that word behind. Please remember, we are fighting over the use of a word that was invented by the oppressor. In typical African fashion we turn the use of the word to something that does not degrade ourselves!. "My nigga" is a friend willing to give their life for me. It does not imply ownership of said person (cause that's what it meant literally back in the day).
Like the natives that "they" bartered fire water, blankets and rock candy with then degraded and murdered millions, then stuck them on reservations as they stole choice lands for the white settler, the white man smiles while they rape, then complains that the negative term that they used from adjective to noun to describe humans that they think are beneath them, they suddenly don't like the word!
We took the word from them and elevated its meaning amongst ourselves. We made it so that ONLY we can say it amongst ourselves without it being derogatory! Yes we do use it to describe a certain ‘ignorant’ mentality amongst black people, but we are very comfortable with the word. The donkey is just pissed because he can’t use it unless it degrades or deflates us and it outs him as a racist. Well sorry donkey, we took the word away from you. Deal with it!
Fuck you donkey! Nigger nigger nigger!
She overstood my anger! She saw and understood white hypocrisy! She didn't mind hearing me say nigger anymore.
The colony is powerful here! They still insist on telling us what to say and how to act. Jacque Rogge was once the head of the IOC who complained about Usain Bolt's celebrations at the end of each race. He said Bolt was boasting and not a very good sportsman, demeaning his opponents.
Bolt's world renowned move of pulling back an arrow in a bow was probably homage to Apollo, a Greek god of war in mythology. What could be more Olympic? The one in Greece! Athens! The Olympic ideal!
The greatest sprinter of all time, a loving personality and loved and respected worldwide and this shriveled, wrinkled, old white codger is upset about how Mr. Bolt celebrates? Why wasn't Rogge fined for racist comments. Why did all of you just watch and smile with Rogge? The quick explanation is that you are as complicit to racism as the next person beside you. White folks probably never thought about it and black people are so used to the degradation they don’t even notice it!
On any level Rogge is a racist pig yet no one said shit to that racist old white pig!
The greatest sprinter of all time still gets shit on by massa!
Well my human family, time to wake up! Some of us are starting to...phew! Black, white, Asian, whomever, are seeing what the "system maker" is about this constant rape of the human family. He is no longer willing to enslave just the black race. To him, the color of the nigger matters no more! Just ask them spoiled "Occupied" people who are the middle class, all upset that the 1% is removing the "middle class", another dumb ass term belonging to the colonial leader to make white niggers believe that they are ‘better’ than the wretched! Better than niggers!
Well here’s your ‘comeupins’! They are "niggerizing" the middle class!
The class that they tricked you into! A place where you can almost touch the next class, go to the same tennis club, shop at the same European specialty stores and buy designer shit to tell the lower class that your are better, more affluent than them, snub your noses, shaking your heads in disgust watching the news when a black teen gets murdered by another black teen and you say shit like, “they are such animals!” Then turn to your daughter or son and say, “Don’t you bring any niggers into this home!”
Well my gullible brother and sister, welcome to nigger world!
“They” are eliminating your class in order to maintain their profits and the white-middle class-niggers who never gave a shit about niggers before are finding out that the system maker don't give two shits about them either. They don’t care about the color of a nigger! They have allowed us to notice all of the differences between the cultures, label them, point them out, highlight them as negative and derogatory and have us fighting amongst ourselves, professing superiority where no such thing can exist as a human spirit. We are all right and we are all wrong, at different times.
And we comply.
The winds of change are blowing. The socio-economic-colonial world will and must end. The 'colony' already knows that and is preparing us for what has been frequently described as the New World Order where we live in a global police state.
Are you ready? You must be because you are complicit with all of the wrongs written into this piece. ALL of you! Me too…because all I do is just talk…
Why do I write these words? What is it I am trying to accomplish? Do I consider this as shock value? What is my angle or goal?
I am angry and like many out there, I wasn’t always sure of what I was actually angry at. When I write the words, sometimes it flows in a way that helps me to sift through the information that floods into my head at nanoseconds of every second of everyday! Every day!
Do I wish a reaction? Yes! I think more folks out there are thinking just like me and if that is so, maybe this becomes the catalyst for positive change. And no, I don’t know what that is! I do NOT have the solution for all of this! And if I say the answer is actually “love” you will read some of my above words and realize I am not the most loving sort at times.
Yet it does not make it the wrong answer. Even an angry dummy like me gets it.
I’m just saying what flows and feels righteous in my soul and hope that more and more folks feel the same way and we push the “decision maker” into a place where he / she is more visible to us hence more accountable and most importantly, more human.