Buckingham will probably always rule the planet yet they must find a way to treat the planet better! The time has come for the (1%) “one percenters” to ante up and invest into the protection of the planet or they will be made to by the 99%.
Raping the planet is the only path Buckingham knows and with their ugly step children the other euro block countries and North Americas, they have enough clout to continue the rape yet at some point, it must end and it can be done without violence, murder and hate. I know that it has never been done but at some point the 99% will turn on the 1% and by then, there will be no discussion. Both sides will suffer horribly!
As a man of African descent, the “Occupy” movements were somewhat revealing to many of the middle class within the 99% who enjoyed their status, money and comforts over the poorer class and patted themselves on the back for their ingenuity at acquiring their status! Then they discovered that to the 1%, they were no better than the poor folks that they snubbed their noses at for years. To me and many, we found the arguments of these spoiled, middle class white folks quite hilarious considering what the black race has faced for over 500 years now. We have been crying, protesting, dying and none of those “occupy” middle class gave a shit whether we lived or died. Now the 1% “niggerize” them and they take to public parks and start crying and whining about how losing their “middle class” status, like I actually really give a shit! The so called middle class woke up one morning and realized that the folks that they aspired to be like don’t give a crap about them and the fact is, they never did! The world economy is changing and the 1% will get its money, “by all means necessary”! They will enslave their own! Colonialism at its best!
The 1% did not, does not and never cared about the color of the ‘nigger’ from the get go. Racism based on colonial directives is a ploy, a distraction to keep all of us fighting while the 1% continues to rape.
The “war on drugs” was the 1% not being able to control all of the worldwide profits from marijuana sales, so they invented “the war on drugs” in order to give themselves BILLIONS, financing a “war” that no one is fighting against them. The 1% took that money and built jails to house the millions of ‘niggers’ that they needed for a legalized slave labor. A trade that is cultivated by the 1% leaving many of America’s ‘nigger’s in abject poverty and making the “drug trade”, death, violence and degradation as the only path for millions of American Africans. Pretty effective strategy!
Misdirection works! We are distracted by a litany of issues, taking our focus away from the real issues and just as we wake up and figure out what is being done, the “law enforcers” show up and the smear tactics begin! “They” have incarcerated, degraded, spread propaganda on those that come into their focus and feed the crap to us gullible monkeys and then successfully distract, while they continue their constant rape of the humans on the planet.
Even as we have figured out their ploy, it doesn’t stop or slow down because they have a point of critical mass which is a stage that we 99% aren’t even aware of which is total annihilation and slavery for the entire race! It may seem farfetched to some yet spend an evening and review footage of the civil rights wars or read up on the abuses in Africa by Europeans happening today! Right now! For over 500 years!
Many great leaders and personalities have come and gone and I must say that Muhammad Ali inspired me greatly and that he is probably the one that the 1% detests the most for it!
He was a pious man, with a million faults, yet used his skill, fame and celebrity to effectively educate and wake up a few to the atrocities that the 1% were heaping on the world at large and would not bow to them, even when they took his championship, his livelihood, his titles! Yet Muhammad Ali never bowed!
“No Vietcong ever called me nigger” was so honest, brave and on point!
As most know Muhammad fought in the 1960 Olympics in Rome and won a gold medal in the light-heavyweight division for which he was very proud, not only for the personal achievement but also for the fact that he won it for America. “His” America! Upon on his return home, he stopped at a restaurant with his brother, with his gold medal around his neck and was violently ushered out by the owner of the establishment because Muhammad happened to miss the sign at the front stating, “No niggers allowed”! The same fate faces every black service man or woman who fights / fought in Desert Storm, Viet Nam or Afghanistan then and now. “Niggers” are disposable! “Let them fight and die for the country yet we will never give them their rights, yet we will tell them that racism is better now than it was in the past and they are gullible enough to buy it!” And they have been proven to be correct!
Muhammad never bought their rhetoric! He stormed out of the restaurant and on the way home, he threw his Olympic gold medal into a river, never to be found again, and vowed to follow his faith and be a man of God. Christian, Muslim, Buddist, RasTafari, Muhammad Ali made us all proud! He still inspires me greatly today and I pray for the kind of courage that he exhibited then!
Occupy Pinnacle is a movement to stop a corrupt Jamaican government from stealing RasTafari lands for personal gain. The 1% do have their “house niggers” in black and ‘third world’ governments worldwide, aiding and abetting these devils, siphoning the wealth out of many countries and greasing the palms of these house niggers! It is time for the 99% to rise and to remove the corrupt prime minister and the entire PNP and especially the JLP from our political systems! The time has come to elevate a new political regime / s within the country and let go of those who are willing serve Buckingham and aid in the rape and killing of their own Jamaican populous. Yeah yeah yeah, they will cry treason and all but if they weren’t murdering Jamaicans for the past thirty years, I would actually care about those accusations.
For change to happen, each of us must stop being complicit with their schemes of distraction and racism yet focus on the things that serve the greater good for all people. The colonial horse shit of bowing to ‘royalty’ must end! No God in any doctrine has any commandments or laws that sanction bowing to any human being! And for the atheists and agnostics, why are you bowing to them?
I do believe in respect for authority and that there must be some discipline in society as well as honor and respect so laws are created to keep us ‘civilized’, yet our current regime is deliberately raping us! There has to be a change! Change of regime as well as change in laws in order to treat human beings justly!
If the systems that we follow are murdering innocent women and children in SEVERAL worldwide communities, why do you continue to support them?
What is truly exciting for me though is this ‘challenge’ to RasTafari principles. It is interesting to see the ‘system’ in full force finally getting its opportunity to crush this doctrine under the weight of white Jesus, Buckingham and Rome.
There is one true God and He will protect all of his people. Watch de ride...