I am neither martyr or wannabe hero
I am a regular dude with a skin suit
Like yours
Fully aware of the abuse we have all shared
For centuries now
The abuse is always from our parent
Our elders
Our churches
Our leaders and governments
It is a constant as we are programmed to take the abuse
We all are
We use abuse to get the things in life that we seek
We give abuse
This is another abusive time in history
We all look back and say, “if I were a slave, I would never...blah blah blah”
We have always been enslaved
They practiced on the black slaves for centuries
They honed their skills
They now enslave the white ones easily
Everyone is a slave now
No matter which side you be on
So well enslaved, most will tell you this is a conspiracy theory
I don’t know anything
I am writing from feel
~ ~ ~
DJ Records, 2508 Eglinton Avenue W
RasTafari cultural store
Music, art, bungo drums, ludo boards, literature, books
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