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I visited Reggae Lane today, Saturday, 18th July, 2020
I saw the lane way in its full glory
Garbage, street people, stale piss in the ripe hot sun
One might believe this space is not the spot to celebrate His Majesty in its current state and I empathize with those who feel that way.
I respect that thought very much
I respect that you may view this as an insult to reggae as well as to the Emperor
I hear your truth
For me it makes me more determined to see the lane way elevated to what it purpose truly is and supposed to be, which is to honor reggae’s contribution in Little Jamaica and Canada
I ovastand if you do not wish to be a part of a seemingly disrespectful affront to the business community as well as reggae music in Canada
Drug users, garbage and stale pee
His Majesty’s teachings are strewn through the lyrical content of the music and it is with that pride I bring his love and his energy to this historic place, Little Jamaica... Reggae Lane
I see the millions / billions spent right across the street on the construction of public transit
Billions in insurance as they go months and years late on the construction
RasTafari as our guide
I n I hope is to gather with like minded humans who see this for more than it is
Set up a support system for the street people and the street hustlers as they are our human family
A humble, peaceful love to be shared with / among ourselves who see this lane way of reggae for its true potential
No fuss or fight with those who don’t feel it
I have no quarrel with your opinions or beliefs
I see Reggae Lane as a pathway for what is considered as “urban” culture, jazz, blues, reggae, roots, hip hop; a path that many of our youth already follow
Creating our own path through these current challenges and obstacles placed before what is considered as the “ethnic’ community
His Majesty is peace
I have no plans for performance but if some brought drums, horns, or guitars, the music is appreciloved
If there is no sound, that is also fine
I have asked Ras Naphtali as well as Louis March to say a few words to whoever is gathered as I trust both with their council to their communities
1:00pm – 3:00pm
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BILLIONS spent right across the street
Grateful to step up on this leg of this Canadian reggae journey

You can't smell the urine but you can feel it
His Majesty and reggae music must show and shine to elevate the pathways before us
There are even more degrading shots that I could have taken but I chose just these
We call on RasTafari on his earthstrong as we must