The genre of reggae has been in Canada for awhile now; over 50 years with zero support
I call it racist
You can label it whatever you like
No matter the label, I find the CRTC, City Hall, the CBC and any other organization USELESS to my path
So we create our own path
You see the skill and the quality of talent and knowledge that we bring with each Seminar each month
I spend the next couple of days sifting through photos as well as footage to upload to the CRW blog for global viewing
There will be insight{s} and performances from the original Queen Bee, Michie Mee on her reggae / Hip Hop journey{s}
For those who apprecilove the art, the artists, the music, the genre and wish to aid / support our continued upward movement, please donate generously to our culture
I thank those who have already donated. We were able to rent equipment from Long and McQuade, as well as purchase a hot plate and ingredients for JuLion's love soup
A heartfelt thank you
Reggae dancehall, hip hop, bring messages that our youth actually hear {listen to}. Feel Reggae generates positive imagery, spirituality and knowledge to the massive
Donate to something positive and strong
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Etransfers: [email protected]
PayPal: [email protected]
All contributions go toward the continued movement of reggae music as a positive force for our human family