He has the thing I find so endearing about Jamaica and Jamaicans
Mandingo spirit
That’s what I call it
Maroons are not Jamaicans
Jamaicans are not Jamaicans
Wi different
We are something else
“Jamaicans” is a small description of who we are
That’s how I describe myself based on geography yet historically we are so much more
Cyaa tame
Cyaa cool, cyaa quench
Three Finger Jack had the same spirit; so much so, I wrote a short story about him as his essence inspired me as a youth at Vaz Prep to Wolmers, right through to my adult life
Queen Nanny and the Maroons show all humans about a commitment to love, harmony, peace, balance and a refusal to accept abuse by the colony
The colony
They will forever believe it is their right to abuse niggaz
This is a fact. I have lived it for close to 500 years now and counting. I feel all 500 years!
Chief Richard Currie gives I hope as the world of abusers call on the Maroons to defend us once again... from them. But the Maroons aren’t alone. The path of balance, truth and integrity is still the path to be sought, even if babylon has their agenda, as they normally do, which has nothing to do with the benefit to niggaz
They use the current Prime Minstrel to do what all Jamaican prime minstrels have ever done. Aid the colony to abuse their fellow Jamaicans
No Jamaican leader who murders Jamaicans, directly or indirectly can be considered a hero to me. Ever!
For lack of a better description, Maroons are indigenous Jamaicans, with recorded history of being on the island before Columbus (the Portuguese} and the Spaniards ever arrived there. Our ancestors “discovered” this island and many more in the Caribbean and the United States sailing from Africa centuries before Europeans
The Maroons will not comply
It does not matter the name of the minstrel in charge, the job remains the same
Attack the Maroons and Cockpit country
They are aggressively attacking Cockpit Country with the aid of the minstrel
We read the history books too
We see the patterns
We know the abuse
We have always lived it
Chief Richard Currie is a loving man as all great leaders are
“You cannot give a free mind freedom” it feels like he is saying
I say feel cause I don’t know much so I use feel to guide my choices or opinions
The revelations in RasTafari, reggae music, Chief Currie and the Maroons, come through love and truth. Love of self as a person, as a people, as well as future generations of our children whom we love. This common thread runs through generations of humans, at home and abroad
Wi nuh normal
Nice interview with Yendi
IG contact to Chief Richard Currie https://www.instagram.com/chiefrichardcurrie/