The term signifies, " being left behind"
Yet in our indomitable way, we make this term into one of sheer pride
A name by choice not identifying with the abusive colonizer and their centuries long brutality against Africans
Who are the Maroons?
We were indoctrinated by the colonizer horseshit literature who told us that the Maroons were captured Africans who escaped plantations into Cockpit country where they were left alone because of the fierce nature of the people
Tactically, from a military standpoint, it was also quite difficult for the colonizer to mount any effective attacks up the side of a mountain which the Maroons and people like Three Finger Jack effectively defended themselves
The Maroons fought so well that the British finally gave up and signed a treaty saying that they would leave these people alone
What other, more recent histories, conversely far more ancient, have taught is that Africans sailed to the Caribbean, South and North America, CENTURIES before the european ever built a single boat hence the features on the sculptures as well as pyramids, similar in their spectacular constructions in Africa initially (there is no fucking "middle east", it is ALL Africa)
It is strongly believed that these Africans are the ancestors of the so called Maroons and many so called Jamaicans to this very day
I for one, learning of the teachings and exploits of Queen Nanny, Garvey, Howell and many others, this "mandigo pride" is deep within many of us born on the rock
The lawlessness, murder rate, corruption and crime in Jamaica is orchestrated by the colonizer and their mascots like governor generals and prime ministers who invest in the murder of Jamaican people carrying out their master's wishes
Organized poverty is deliberately programmed into certain communities and the violence is now sixty (60) years running, including the deaths of thousands
These mascot blame the people and the music, distracting those who don't ovastand the abuses of "the corporation" and its organized corruption
Colonial abuses are well documented from Hong Kong, Bombay to Kenya to Ghana to Kingston, Jamaica. This again isn't news
If we seek any change, it must be away from the colonizer abuser
I am a Maroon
I identify as such
I do not condone abuse or violence to other humans as honorable behavior
There is no honor in abuse
Many Jamaicans today, not in Cockpit Country are also Maroons. There are many Africans in Halifax, brought there by the colonizer, facing further abuse who are direct descendants of Maroons, who got sent there by order of the aforementioned treaty signed, when England could not bend the knee of the Maroon
"They" have the seat of power saying that they "conquered" humans and "discovered" land ie; Columbus, Knights Templar and many other dishonorable europeans, which is maintained through continued corruption
We ovastand their importance paid to belittling Africans
I do not ascribe to being belittled
I see today the abuse continues with the current prime minstrel picking a fight with the Maroons in Cockpit Country, mining bauxite and poisoning the clean drinking water systems, rivers and lungs of the children and vegetation of Cockpit Country with toxic fumes and chemicals used in bauxite mining
The fresh drinking water is far more valuable than bauxite but colinizer abuses cannot be stopped... it seems
Chief Richard Currie of Accompong, is standing his ground with his people and fellow Maroon leadership, who defend themselves against the abuse of the Jamaican police ordered by the prime minstrel
No Jamaican government, since the hypocrisy of "independence" with the exception of prime minster Michael Manley, has protected the Jamaican people from colonizer abuse. They have all been highly corruptible humans, doing nothing to develop the talent rich Jamaican population
I identify as Maroon
Even though I am not on the front lines, I will do my best to elevate the Maroon community because they love themselves and stand with pride and honor throughout history
Below, is a novelette I wrote a few years ago about Three Finger Jack. A fiction based in much of the folklore I grew up with. Jack refused to be enslaved. He was a hero of mine when I heard about in in prep school when I was only nine years old
I wrote it in mind as a movie some day
Three Finger Jack ~ The Spirit of Jamaica on Amazon (yes, it a sell inna babylon)
The statue of an Olmec head, found in Mexico, does not have caucasian features. Like, none!
What it does look like is GREATLY African and supposedly dates back to 900 BC. When folks create the features of a deity, it usually looks like not only the sculptors but also the entire civilization at the time. Anything the european cannot explain, that is clearly African, they tell our children that aliens did it
Reasoning and deduction. I am no historian, anthropologist nor a scientist... I do not really know the science (an important necessity in this time... bullshit). I have my eyesight and that sculpture is clearly African which can be honestly explained as intercontinental travel... by boat / ship. This information is in no schooling system for 2,000 years now
The BS is centuries deep
I want better for Jamaica
I have a need, a will, a calling to do better for the next likkle me that is alive and well today somewhere on the island
I believe the world benefits even greater from elevated Jamaican spirit
I identify with the Maroon spirit