First and foremost, I am a fan of music
Every single genre has a song or two or ten or ten thousand songs that I like
Music is a spiritually floating energy that binds, connects, releases a oneness within the souls of all who feel it
Not everyone can feel it
We must stop having those who make the rules, who do not feel it, to refrain from making decisions on the path of music to me... to you
The construct is set
Everything can be eventually weaponized against the sheeple
The “music industry” weaponized themselves with the use of profit control
{Sam Cooke, really look up his story}
We all have had to learn the hard way
Weaponized so that they maintain the most profit possible, some 99.9999125% by paying artists almost zero for MILLIONS of streams
Not an experience that we haven’t all lived and MUCH more scenarios and other experiences
I used to scream and yell like everyone and stay angry about a situation that was futile
“They” own the music
Or so they would like us to feel
It is how I once felt which is why I said it was futile
Then I thought of the art
The feel
The spirit connect
Why do you make art?
To express a spiritual conversation
Spirit cannot be controlled
Spirit creates its own space
The construct rules the game today and has ruled it from the beginning
Having gained this experience as a fan, promoter, dancer, a human, marketing director at an indie label (Alchemy Records), I, like spirit, must be flowing energy, without limit, creating a path to making positive changes in our own space
The construct still rules the game and will continue to squeeze tighter
Spirit cannot be controlled
I see a path here in Canada to create a unique vibe, bringing a reggae spirit to the people
Reggae is a natural spiritual bond
Those who feel it know it
We need a path that we create for self
Stay in my lane
Walk in the reggae lane
Our own path.... within the construct
Canada has a great reggae culture but not an industry
The “change” we seek is ours to make
Neto Yuth
An artist, First Lady, Tonya P suggested Neto Yuth
I have been watching him for a time now and felt that he and I should reason anyway
Canadian Reggae World needed to know this artist who seems to only be putting out conscious music, lyrics, vision, from what I gather when I listen to his work
We met up for a half hour conversation that turned into three hours and we still haven’t scratched the surface of more conversation
It is pleasant and a blessing to meet an artist / performer, whose lyics in his songs match the personality you are talking to
He mentioned that RasTafari found him first and then reggae music morphed within his transition
It is abundantly clear when reasoning with him
Montreal, Jamaica, Toronto is this RasTafari lion
Below is about an hour of his works that I have been listening to
Meet Neto Yuth
Mascot leader says that foreigners are “hijacking” the music of Jamaica
Mascot fe gwey
Mascot speaks of the dancehall escalating violence in the country yet for me, the level of corruption the mascot and others are a part of, is truly the reason for the abuse to Jamaican citizens
This song feels strong and powerful towards blazing out the corruption
The Mascot does not speak of the positive imagery, lyrics and messages that come from this specific song
Reggae is NOT ruled by the prime minister or the government of Jamaica
It is a global entity ruled by reggae music
As Bob rightly points out, “this music will never die... it will find its own soldiers”
Mascot is not one of the righteous reggae warriors that we need