A small concern of mine, as a sometimes-promoter, we go the effort of putting together weekly events only to have folks show up sparingly, thinking that since it is a weekly thing, you will get to it next week, or next week or the one after that. As the promoter, artist, selecta or DJ has a responsibility to put the shows out there, the fan has a responsibility to show up! The common question after a time is, “What ever happened to such and such? I really meant to go.” Well my people it is no longer there because we “always meant to go” and never went. We all have a ‘reggae responsibility’ as ‘the system’ is at work constantly, denying or natures to celebrate this rebellious music, so we must exercise greater perseverance to elevating this unstoppable culture. Take the time to pass on to other reggae heads.
For some of the reggae artists’ performing in this country, the common pet peeve seems to be that fans, radio personalities and selectas don’t show them love because these folks are “fighting them down” by not supporting their musical efforts. What I would ask said artists is, “Is your tune /s blowing up anywhere else?” If the answer is yes then you have a point but pursue the opportunities open to you and grow them. Nothing like proving your point by saying, “My track is #1 in Germany, Japan, Kenya, Jamaica or where ever”. If the answer is no that your tune isn’t a hit anywhere else, then go back to the drawing board and bring something worth playing or listening to.
If Canadians aren’t feeling your tune, maybe it isn’t very good? We’ve got to stop listening to close friends and immediate family about our songs! They are lying to you! Hence, you are lying to yourself!
Music is pure!
It either moves you or it doesn’t! No politics, nothing personal! Just the music! Stop making it about anything else to mask the real truth. When we can finally admit this, the quality of might elevate, or face the reality that you do not “have it”. Because you love a thing does not mean that you are automatically good at it?
There are talented singers and songwriters here in Canada. Unfortunately, based on the fact that these artists gig more frequently, we don’t hear their new offerings as much as the ones who stay at home, uploading their tunes all over the internet. Due to ‘political correctness’ we do not honestly tell these people to stop inundating us with their crap. Well, I’m going to cool on the politics and call it as I see / hear it. Let the talent come through as I know we have the artists to do so.
Yes, I’m at it again! Ranting and raving about something else. The quick question to me would be, “Can you sing or write music?” and my quick answer would be, “Definitely not!” What I seek is a truer representation of the music by fans and artists alike. After 40 years with zero consistency of celebrating this music, or effectively creating an infrastructure for paying our artists properly – encouraging them to continue their solid works – there comes time for change. I don’t know if I have the right answer / s but what I certainly do know, it is time for upliftment!
I wish to dance and celebrate with those who feel it the same. No complicated ideologies or fights or contention. Just a realness to be shared!
I’m working on that.