Surviving R Kelly
A talented pedofile
The statement is true
Black girls / women believe this as a truth
It is true
The abuse to black women is real
It is also true for lots of girls... children
Some are having a difficult time separating the musical genius from the sick individual
There are women today defending R Kelly, saying, "he's just a freak... my kind of freak"
Our system of abuse towards women have women defending abusers
I liked NUFF of his tunes too and if they come on at a jam I'm at, before I catch myself, I start dancing
That is also a spiritually entity
Hence the conflict with the morality for some
I Believe I Can Fly, for me is one of the greatest songs of hope in the history of song. How can one not love the author?
I did
R Kelly is proven sexual predator of underaged girls
Yet the spotlight has been on him for a while and nothing has changed
EVERYONE heard, saw, gossiped, rumors of his exploits with teenage girls for years yet he sold millions of records on hundreds charts
Predation is rampant in black and white homes
Don't get caught up in media hype about a high profile sexual predator and lose sight of the predators sitting next to our children at all family gatherings
No one cares if it is any girl
Men don't care
It's a man's world
Some fulljoy the power the construct gives us so we turn our heads when it happens to our daughters and sisters
We will maintain this masculine power at all costs
I have written about this in the past yet I will do so once again
Some of these bible toting clowns blame Eve {women} of original sin saying that Eve being tempted to sin was the easier target hence she is weaker, so she must be dominated for her own good
Bible cowards
When you all go to church next Sunday, ask the pastor boy why Adam was such a coward and didn't tell Eve to put down the apple or whatever metaphor, tree of knowledge, serpent, satan, whatever...
Ask why the benevolent religion has excluded women as pastors, preachers for centuries
Coward ideology
Adam was a coward as are the law makers today
Adam takes no blame for his part in the "first sin"
Coward ideology
I don't want to be ruled by cowards
It weakens our children
We need Lions to rise
The cowards are killing the race
Many cowards run the planet
Men cowards
Bill Cosby, R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein and millions of men in our own families
What are we doing for the victims globally?
Who's identifying the pedofile{s} within the family and protecting the children from them?
What are we doing today to protect our daughters?
Lions / men need to step up
There must be balance of the masculine and the feminine within each individual. We need the correct amount of interaction from both for humans to be whole
We NEED masculine and feminine in balance and a coward cannot teach this
Man have to stand up to the abusive system weakening humanity
Recognized the mind fuck of these images to the psyche of humans for centuries now
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