The colonizer attempts at control of the culture is relentless
Reggae / Dancehall is news, opinions, revelations of truth and love, relationships, human interaction and a wise outlet to speaking on colonial abuse to black people and the planet earth
The speech is explosive, passionate and downright violent at times
But that is the pattern
The feel of the music touches the minds and souls of the listener and has been known to move the body as well. Dancing to reggae music / dancehall has a life of its own, with new dances being created at all times
Dance is all about feel
Lyrically, the feel is prevalent from many shared experiences from the colonial whip which is still felt by the "subjects" of the colony... daily
Reggae music some call "feel good music" even though many genre of music makes us feel pretty good
It is also referred as "freedom music" as it has been instrumental in the liberation of many minds of black people globally
Babylon is about controlling its citizens
Controlling the narrative
The message/s of those in control get challenged by the downtrodden, which is a large portion of the black world who feel victimized by those who make law
Dancing is a great outlet for stress from abuse
Lyrically, the music also provides stress relief because even if we are unable to change the abuse, we sing about it
We chant together
That is powerful medicine
Babylon is now fully educated at the power of reggae music and has made concerted efforts to control the culture now for the past 20 - 30 years
It is my opinion, that the governments of Jamaica have been instrumental in quashing the culture on the rock and today, that abusive control is even stronger, stifling the culture
Yes, I'm naive
Freedom of speech is an illusion
Yet listening to defiant lyrics does move the conscience of the abuser governments and elevates the psyche of Jamaicans as well as downtrodden masses all over the globe
Reggae is a prize
The abusive governance of the colonizer MUST control this impact to the masses
A control of the sound and lyrical content weakens the voice of those where reggae originates in Jamaica
No politician nor government is to be trusted as it pertains to the feel of the people
Reggae greats from the 70s and 80s seem like some of bravest and most conscious humans of any era, speaking passionate truths that are relevant these many decades later. We are certainly in different times today and the impact of individual's lyrical content doesn't seem as potent or moving as their predecessors
Reggae is brave
Reggae is love
Reggae is protection of the planet
Reggae is a prize that the babylonian must have
Reggae is also a prize to the individual which makes it still uncontrollable to the colonizer governance. Many individuals are naive like me and are moved to create love, support and protection of this planet and are driven to continue this spiritual upliftment
Yes, reggae is a prize and the right people need to ovastand that in this time