The IOC and the USADA for me are probably the most corrupt sporting bodies in the world. This is pretty poor considering the reputations of boxing federations or even the NFL.
Boxing’s shady past is in gangster movies dating back to the 1920’s I’m sure, all the way to the present with movies like “Pulp Fiction” where fighters are paid off to throw fights. The things done to Jack Johnson and Muhammed Ali are demeaning and disrespectful and must never be forgotten! Yet the fear, intimidation, in comparison to the nature of the fighter under the thumb of organized crime, must be terrorizing! You may wish to say something but in the end, you really can’t, if you wish to live. If we listen to the rumors, ask Sonny Liston!
Yet, even in a sport as corrupt as boxing the use of PEDs are not close to the use in amateur sports, the NFL who has ZERO steroid testing because if they did, the league would end tomorrow or especially, professional cycling.
I’m angry for Ben Johnson and always have been!
I’m angry at a useless Canadian government response on his behalf, never stepping in to attempt any protection of one of “its citizens”! I’m angry at racist white Canadians who were quick to point out that Ben was “Jamaican born” the minute the test results were completed and found to be a positive! I’m angry at the crab-in-a-barrel Jamaicans, West Indians and Africans who tried to distance themselves from Ben when he needed us the most!
Praises to Charlie Francis (may he rest in peace) who spoke it real! He stated, and I paraphrase, “if one wished to compete in the 100 meter race without the use of steroids, one would need to take their starting blocks 10 meters BEHIND the other competitors!”
The real truth is, if no one took steroids, Ben Johnson would have beaten Carl Lewis and every other sprinter in the world!
Which he did in Seoul, where one may surmise that they all took PEDs! The numbers of failed drug tests by American sprinters covered up by their governing bodies are too much to mention and Carl Lewis was on that team!
Now all of a sudden Lance Armstrong is the devil? Seven tour wins and some pencil pushing bureaucrat takes away the achievement of THOUSANDS of hours of PAIN, training, dedication, perseverance and commitment!?!?
Q: Did Lance Armstrong take steroids?
A: A high probability!
Q: Was it an even playing field?
A: Yes it was as everyone else was doping!
On a side note, you have to respect Jan Ulrich for not accepting 3 of the Tour victories taken from Armstrong! Carl Lewis has none of that type of class as Jan Ulrich!
Barry Bonds prior to alleged steroid use was widely considered the best player in the MLB for over a decade! How come he still isn’t great? Were the people pitching to Bonds nightly all on steroids as well? That is also a high probability!
‘They’ embarrass who ‘they’ want and let slide the things that make ‘them’ money!
I am in no way condoning steroid use! I am saying that if you are going to bust a single human being for “cheating”, what gives you the right to do so without TESTING EVERY ONE ELSE!
I’m as proud of Ben Johnson’s race in Seoul as I am of Donovan Bailey or Usain Bolt’s accomplishments! No, it has not been tarnished by steroid allegations for me in any way! They were all on a level playing field! I’m only one guy and I do know that I do not speak for the rest of the world so I really don’t need folks to agree or disagree! I ask you to hold the governing bodies as responsible as you hold the athletes! They “cheat” by testing and punishing individuals they seem to get the best bang for the buck from in the media. In 1988 it was rumored that the ENTIRE American sprint team male and female were on a steroid program, yet Ben got busted!
Impress me! Start drug testing every NFL team tomorrow morning!